Other Craft Patterns

Show your support for shark conservation with free craft patterns provided by PaperSharks.org!

Kids coloring page with fun facts about sharks

“Shark Bites: Fun Facts and Tidbits about Sharks” kids coloring page
This printable PDF shark coloring page is provided for teachers, parents, and anyone who loves sharks, as an aid in educating children about our amazing ocean friends! If you enjoy this resource, and would like to see more coloring pages with additional facts and species, please feel free to comment and let me know (requests and suggestions for specific shark species and facts are welcome). Designs on this page feature the Caribbean Reef Shark, Thresher Shark, Whale Shark and Frilled Shark.
Download Coloring Page (PDF)

Save the Sharks english and chinese argyle scarf
“Save the Sharks” double-knit argyle scarf
This scarf features an argyle pattern, shark design, and bilingual text (English & Chinese) which reads “save the sharks” and “say no to shark fin” on one end and the Chinese equivalent, “拯救鯊魚” and “向魚翅說不” on the opposite end. The scarf is constructed using the double-knitting technique, in which the front and back sides are knitted simultaneously, creating a reversible, double-thick layer of fabric.
Download Pattern (7-page PDF)

If you have any questions, comments or requests, feel free to contact me. More downloads to be added soon!

2 thoughts on “Other Craft Patterns

  1. Thank you for making this pattern available. I have never done double knitting before but I would like to try it to make this scarf. Here in Australia, the government in Western Australia has recently begun a shark cull in an attempt to stop people being attacked by sharks. I am very much against this so I would like to make your scarf as a personal protest at the treatment of the sharks!

    • Hi Lauren,
      Thanks so much for your comment. The cull in Australia is a very discouraging step backwards in shark conservation and education efforts, but thanks to people like you, I think we may someday put a stop to the wanton killing of these beautiful animals. I wish you all the best in your protest efforts, and if there is anything I can do to help you with your project, please do not hesitate to let me know. If you are not familiar with double knitting, be sure to check out Youtube, as there are many helpful videos that show this technique, and you should be able to find one that suits your particular knitting style (English, Continental, etc).
      Best regards,

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